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Update Ghost 0.8.0 Using Openshift Quickstart

I don’t know why the repository of Openshift Ghost Quickstart seems to be abandoned since January 2016. I mean, like there isn’t any activity from the developer behind the Openshift team. That’s why I initiated to start to write this post, because I believe that there are many of people like me trying to solve this problem. Yes, the problem to update the Ghost core to the recent version.

I found a very good repository of MunGell. He forked it from the main repository of Openshift Ghost Quickstart and tried to make a self-update for the Ghost installation, of course it is 0.8.0.

Ghost Admin Panel

Here are the steps or tutorial on how to update your Ghost to the version 0.8.0.

I assume that you already clone your own ghost application in to your local machine.

  1. Go and download this repository then extract it.
  2. Copycontent and node_module folder and also the file named package.json
  3. Go to your ghost-application folder. Paste and merge it.
  4. Open your own ghost-application folder in terminal by hitting cd your-ghost-application-folder.


git add .  
git commit -m "Update to Ghost 0.8.0"  
git push  

Note: It will also delete your default Casper theme configuration, so be wise enough to make a back up first.

  1. Credit: MunGell

8 responses to “Update Ghost 0.8.0 Using Openshift Quickstart”

  1. Sibelius Avatar

    thank you so much!

    1. Sasono Avatar

      You r welcome.

  2. Dian Ariyanto Avatar
    Dian Ariyanto

    Keren.. boleh lah diajarin

    1. Sasono Avatar

      Monggo, lumayan simpel dari pada wordpress lo .. 😀

  3. Tomas Avatar

    I want to share my approach since I have failed following this tutorial…(i am new to git and Openshift)

    I was following this tutorial, downloading and merging the folders, but the application did not stared up after git push. In my case I was setting up a new Openshift application, so nothing bad happened.

    I tried to provide this forked (ghost 0.8) repository URL in the application installation screen on web console screen and it worked perfectly!!

    Thank you so much!! 🙂

    1. Sasono Avatar


      You r welcome and thanks for stopping by 🙂

      1. Tomas Avatar

        yep, I just copy pasted folders in finder on Mac, with replace and merge… is that correct approach?

  4. Update Ghost 0.9.0 Using Openshift Quickstart – Noreta Agus Sasono

    […] for the users of Openshift Quickstart. This is the easier way to update your Ghost rather than this one I wrote […]

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